
A Javascript SDK for interaction with the HumbleSwap DEx


A Javascript library for interacting with the HumbleSwap DEx.
Types are listed below.
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Type Definitions


A representation of a token ID.

type TokenID = string | number;


A reach account abstraction. This object is created by the Reach standard library; the typedef below is only used as a reference.

interface ReachAccount {
  networkAccount: { addr?: string; address?: string; [x: string]: any };
  /** @deprecated - Use `reachAccount.contract(backend)` instead */
  attach<T extends BackendModule>(
    backend: T,
    contractInfo: any | Promise<any>
  ): ReachContract<T>;
  /** @deprecated - Use `reachAccount.contract(backend)` instead */
  deploy<T extends BackendModule>(backend: T | Promise<any>): ReachContract<T>;
  contract<T extends BackendModule>(
    backend: T,
    contractInfo?: any
  ): ReachContract<T>;
  getAddress(): string;
  setDebugLabel(label: string): ReachAccount;
  tokenAccept(tokenId: string | number): Promise<void>;
  tokenAccepted(tokenId: string | number): Promise<boolean>;
  tokenMetadata(tokenId: string | number): Promise<{ [x: string]: any }>;
  stdlib: ReachStdLib;


Enhanced pool information.

type PoolDetails = PoolInfo & {
    // Balance of user pool LP tokens (amount of user Liquidity in the pool) 
    userLiquidity?: any;

    // LP Tokens minted for this pool 
    mintedLiquidityTokens?: any;

    // Balance of Pool `Token A` 
    tokenABalance?: string | number;

    // Fees accrued from `Token A` 
    tokenAFees?: string | number;

    // Balance of Pool `Token B` 
    tokenBBalance?: string | number;

    // Fees accrued from `Token B` 
    tokenBFees?: string | number;

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SDK Functions always return this object (including for errors). Additional information from the function (or underlying transaction) will be found in the data property.

type PoolInfo = {
    /** Pool contract address (or Algorand application ID) */
    poolAddress: string | number;

    // Pool's `Token A` id. Will be '0' for network token (e.g. ALGO or ETH)
    tokenAId: string | number;

    // Pool's `Token B` id
    tokenBId: string | number;

    // Number of decimal places for `Token A`. Defaults to `6`
    tokenADecimals?: number;

    // Number of decimal places for `Token B`. Defaults to `6`
    tokenBDecimals?: number;

    // When true, indicates this pool uses a network token (e.g. ALGO or ETH)
    n2nn?: boolean;

    // Liquidity Token ID
    poolTokenId?: string | number;

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Most transactions (or SDK functions) will accept the following additional properties, if you provide them (or have them available.
For example, if you are performing multiple actions on the same pool, you can reuse the contract instance to slightly reduce the amount of network calls.
You can also pass console.log as the value of onProgress to see the steps being taken by the SDK in certain transactions.

type ReachTxnOpts = {
    // (Optional) The pool address targeted for the txn 
    poolAddress?: string | number;

    // A pre-attached `ReachContract` object, if any, to speed up initialization 
    contract?: ReachContract<T>;

    // Optional function to call when withdrawal action is complete 
    onComplete?: (...args: any[]) => void;

    // Optional function to call as the transaction progresses
    // (e.g. for UI notifications) 
    onProgress?: (msg: string) => void;

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An object-type used in swap operations. For additional options, see ReachTxnOpts.

type SwapTxnOpts = {
    // Info about the swap you will perform
    swap: SwapInfo;

    // Info about the pool you will swap in
    pool?: PoolDetails;
} & ReachTxnOpts;

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An object-type used in swap operations. For additional options, see ReachTxnOpts.

type SwapInfo = {
    // ID of token you will pay in
    tokenAId: string | number;

    // ID of token you want to receive
    tokenBId: string | number;

    // Amount of token you will pay in
    amountA?: any;

    // Amount of token you expect to receive
    amountB?: any;

    // ID of token being paid in. You may not need to supply this in all cases.
    tokenIn?: string | number;

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Token metadata

type Token = {
    id: string | number;
    name: string;
    symbol: string;
    url: string;
    supply: string;
    decimals: number;

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SDK Functions always return this object (including for errors). Additional information from the function (or underlying transaction) will be found in the data property. This standardizes all responses so that you don’t need to try/catch as often in your code.

type TransactionResult<T> = {
    // When true, the transaction succeeded. Quick way to check for an error.
    succeeded: boolean;

    // The pool address targeted for the txn, if any. Some functions (e.g. "fetchToken") don't require or return one.
    poolAddress?: string | number;

    // Any useful data associated about the txn (or any error encountered). The contents will depend on the function that returns it
    data: T;

    // Success or failure message. Tells you what went wrong. 
    message: string;

    // Contract instance used for the transaction. You can reuse it in subsequent calls to reduce the amount of network requests made. 
    contract?: ReachContract<any>;

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