
A Javascript SDK for interaction with the HumbleSwap DEx


A Javascript library for interacting with the HumbleSwap DEx.
Methods are listed below, along with usage examples where possible.
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Liquidity Pools

Functions for managing liquidity pools (creating; adding/removing liquidity).
Swapping is in a separate document.


async function createLiquidityPool(
  acc: ReachAccount,
  opts: CreatePoolTxnOpts
): Promise<TransactionResult<PoolInfo>> 

Create a liquidity pool for a pair of tokens.

Transaction Options

type CreatePoolTxnOpts = {
  tokenIds: [string | number, string | number];
  tokenAmounts: [a: number, b: number];
} & ReachTxnOpts;

createLiquidityPool Example

import { createLiquidityPool } from "@reach-sh/humble-sdk";

// Options for calling "createLiquidity"
const createOpts = {
    tokenAmounts: [100, 200] as [number, number],
    tokenIds: [112233, 446688] as [any, any],

    // progress bar updated
    onProgress(msg: string) {
      if (msg === 'SIGNING_EVENT') {
        // This is emitted when the connected account will be asked to sign a transaction.
        // You can ignore or use it to show a "Sign transaction in your wallet" message
      } else {
        // otherwise the message tells what the SDK is currently doing for this transaction

const acc = /* connected account */;
const result = await createLiquidityPool(acc, createOpts)
const { data, succeeded, message } = result
if (!succeeded || !data?.poolTokenId) {
    // Pool creation failed; handle error
    // or check 'message' for an explanation

// If here, Pool creation and funding was successful
const { poolAddress, tokenAId, tokenBId, poolTokenId } = data;

// do something with 'data'

createLiquidityPool Returns

PoolInfo about the new pool.

type PoolInfo = {
  /** `Token A` id. Use '0' for network token  */
  tokenAId: string | number;
  /** `Token B` id */
  tokenBId: string | number;
  /** Pool contract address (or Algorand application ID) */
  poolAddress: string | number;
  /** Number of decimal places for `Token A`. Defaults to `6` */
  tokenADecimals?: number;
  /** Number of decimal places for `Token B`. Defaults to `6` */
  tokenBDecimals?: number;
  /** When true, indicates this pool uses a network token (e.g. ALGO or ETH) */
  n2nn?: boolean;
  /** ID for pool liquidity token */
  poolTokenId?: ResourceIdentifier;


function calculateOtherAmount(amountIn: number, tokenIn: string | number, pool: PoolDetails): string;

Use to calculate the other half of a liquidity deposit amount based on the pool. This will be relevant only for adding liquidity.

đź’ˇ If you are adding liquidity (depositing) into A/B pool, but only know how much B token you want to deposit, use calculateOtherAmount( ... ) to calculate how much A you will pay based on that (B) amount.

calculateOtherAmount Example

See addLiquidity for example usage.

calculateOtherAmount Parameters

All input params are required.

  • amountIn: number User’s input amount
  • tokenIn: string | number The token associated with the input amount
  • pool: PoolDetails The Liquidity pool target
    type PoolDetails = PoolInfo & {
      // Balance of user pool LP tokens (amount of user Liquidity in the pool) 
      userLiquidity?: any;
      // LP Tokens minted for this pool 
      mintedLiquidityTokens?: any;
      // Balance of Pool `Token A` 
      tokenABalance?: string | number;
      // Fees accrued from `Token A` 
      tokenAFees?: string | number;
      // Balance of Pool `Token B` 
      tokenBBalance?: string | number;
      // Fees accrued from `Token B` 
      tokenBFees?: string | number;

calculateOtherAmount Returns

Amount of opposite token that will be required for the deposit as a string.

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Renamed to calculateOtherAmount

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function addLiquidity(acc: ReachAccount, opts: DepositTxnOpts): Promise<TransactionResult>

Adds liquidity to a Pool.

addLiquidity Example

See fetchLiquidityPool or subscribeToPoolStream for pool sources.

import { addLiquidity } from "@reach-sh/humble-sdk";

const pool = /* pool source */
const { tokenAId } = pool;

// Order of inputs is important
const amountA = 100;
const amountB = calculateOtherAmount(amountA, tokenAId, pool);

// Create options for adding liquidity
const opts = {
    amounts: [amountA, amountB],
    optInToLPToken: true,

// Put it all together. If successful, `data` will contain the new total 
// of LP tokens in the pool
const { succeeded, message, data } = await addLiquidity(acc, opts);

addLiquidity Parameters

  • acc: ReachAccount: reach account abstraction
  • opts?: DepositTxnOpts Additional options (see below).
    For additional options, see ReachTxnOpts.
    type DepositTxnOpts = {
      // Deposit Amounts (for Pool tokens `A` and `B` respectively). Order of
      // amounts is important, or the transaction may fail.
      amounts: [amountA: number | string, amountB: number | string];
      // Data about target pool to deposit
      pool: PoolInfo;
      // When true, will opt user account into pool liquidity token. If false and
      // user hasn't opted-in, the transaction may fail. Defaults to `false`.
      optInToLPToken?: boolean;
    } & ReachTxnOpts

addLiquidity Returns

  • TransactionResult
    where contains minted pool LP tokens after deposit.

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function fetchLiquidityPool(acc: ReachAccount, opts?: FetchPoolOpts): Promise<FetchPoolTxnResult>;

Fetch data about a single liquidity pool.

fetchLiquidityPool Example

Get a pool ID or reference to one (see subscribeToPoolStream). The SDK now allows you to provide tokens along with your request, so that it doesn’t have to re-fetch them.
The following examples do not use a real pool id.

1. With Tokens
import { fetchLiquidityPool } from "@reach-sh/humble-sdk";

const acc = /* account source */;
const [tokenA, tokenB] = await Promise.all([ /* tokens source */ ])
const { succeeded, data, message } = await fetchLiquidityPool(acc, { 
    poolAddress: 1122334455,
    n2nn: true,
    includeTokens: false,
    tokens: [ tokenA, tokenB ]
2. Without Tokens
import { fetchLiquidityPool } from "@reach-sh/humble-sdk";

// Get a pool ID or reference to one (see 'subscribeToPoolStream')
// The following is only an example, and is not a real pool id
const acc = /* account source */;
const { succeeded, data, message } = await fetchLiquidityPool(acc, { 
    poolAddress: 1122334455,
    n2nn: true,
    includeTokens: true

Handle the result
if (succeeded) {
    // See 'FetchPoolTxnResult' for everything in 'data'
    const { pool, tokens } = data; 
    console.log(pool); /* outputs ->
        "poolAddress": "1122334455",
        "poolTokenId": 76797026,
        "mintedLiquidityTokens": 11858542,
        "n2nn": true,
        "tokenABalance": "1221314151617.88889",
        "tokenAFees": "0",
        "tokenAId": "0",
        "tokenADecimals": 6,
        "tokenBBalance": "1211314151617.3897",
        "tokenBFees": "0",
        "tokenBId": 10458941,
        "tokenBDecimals": 6
} else console.log(message)

fetchLiquidityPool Parameters

  • acc: ReachAccount: reach account abstraction
  • poolAddress: string | number The application ID (or contract address) of the Pool you want to fetch.
  • opts?: FetchPoolOpts
    type FetchPoolOpts = ReachTxnOpts & {
      n2nn: boolean;
      poolAddress: string | number
      includeTokens?: boolean
      tokens?: [Token, Token]
  • opts.n2nn: When set to true, this means one of the pool tokens is a network token (e.g. “ALGO” or “ETH”). The correct value is required for fetching the pool data.
  • opts.poolAddress: Address of the pool you want to fetch
  • opts.includeTokens: (optional) Whether to fetch pool tokens as well. If set to false, you MUST provide a pair of token objects to the function using the param below
  • opts.tokens: (optional) Pool Tokens. Required when includeTokens is “true”

For additional options, see ReachTxnOpts.

fetchLiquidityPool Returns

For pool data properties, see PoolDetails

type FetchPoolTxnResult = {
    // Whether the transaction succeeded or failed 
    succeeded: boolean;
    // The pool address targeted for the txn 
    poolAddress?: string | number;
    // Any useful data associated about the txn (or any error encountered) 
    data: {
        /** Pool data */
        pool: PoolDetails | null;
        /** Pool token data */
        tokens: [tokA: any, tokB: any];
        /** Whether pool has liquidity and is tradeable */
        tradeable: boolean;
    // Optional success or failure message 
    message: string;
    // Contract instance used for the transaction. Can be reused in subsequent calls. 
    contract?: ReachContract<typeof poolBackend | typeof poolBackendN2NN>;

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export async function withdrawLiquidity(
  acc: ReachAccount,
  opts: WithdrawOpts
): Promise<TransactionResult>

Withdraw a percentage of the user’s liquidity from a Pool.

withdrawLiquidity Example

See fetchLiquidityPool or subscribeToPoolStream for pool sources.

const percentToWithdraw = 15; // Withdraw 15% of liquidity
const pool = /* pool source */;
const { succeeded, message, data } = await withdrawLiquidity(acc, {
    n2nn: pool.n2nn,
    poolAddress: pool.poolAddress,
    poolTokenId: pool.poolTokenId,

withdrawLiquidity Parameters

  • acc: ReachAccount: reach account abstraction
  • opts: WithdrawOpts: Withdrawal parameters.
    For additional options, see ReachTxnOpts.
    type WithdrawOpts = ReachTxnOpts & {
      /** Percentage of liquidity to withdraw as a number. (e.g. 5 = `5%`) */
      percentToWithdraw: number;
      poolTokenId: string | number;
      n2nn: boolean;

withdrawLiquidity Returns

  • TransactionResult
    If successful, the data key will contain { poolLPTokens: number } where poolLPTokens is the total number of minted LP Tokens in the pool.

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